Nightwish “Once” Tour, Birmingham, 15 February 2005

Rabu, 15 Februari 2005 adalah salah satu hari paling berkesan selama saya tinggal di UK. Hari itu, Nightwish –yang oleh majalah Metal Hammer UK disebut sebagai band metal terbaik Eropa tapi disayangkan karena kurang mendapat tanggapan di di UK—manggung di Birmingham Carling Academy.

Saya dan istri saya, Tia, berangkat pagi hari dari Nottingham dan langsung menuju rumah seorang rekan, Pak Pendeta Victor Rembeth yang bersama istrinya mbak Dhani sesama orang Semarang sudah berbaik hati menyediakan bandeng goreng (milk fish) dan sambal terasi. Uenak tenan! Pas banget, mau nonton musik ‘setan’ (istilah mertua saya), nginep di rumah pendeta dulu.

Dengan mengenakan kaos Helloween Rabbit On Tour Indonesia 2004, kami mengisi perut dulu di Nando’s Bullring (di Kemang juga ada) bersama rekan lama di UGM yang bekerja di Birmingham. Pas jam 8 malam kami sampai di lokasi, meski band pembuka Tristania sudah manggung sejak jam 07.30. Carling Academy (Carling merk bir yang banyak mensponsori club di UK) hanyalah gedung club biasa, tetapi letaknya strategis di City Center menjadikan banyak dihampiri oleh band-band buat manggung. Untung Tia kecil sehingga dengan menyusup pagar panggung kanan akhirnya terpegang dan pandangan cukup jelas ke panggung yang persis plek cover album Once.

Saat itu Tristania masih asyik main. Cukup standard, ideologi Pancasila gothic metal, beauty and the beast, diterapkan secara murni dan konsekuen. Saya punya kopian salah satu albumnya, meski Within Temptation versi lama lebih asyik. Harusnya WT ini bertobat kembali ke Pancasila saja.

Hampir semua penonton memakai baju hitam, kaos metal, dan cukup banyak yang menyempatkan diri ‘macak’ gothic, baju serba hitam, rok, maskara hitam, gelang bercahaya. Komposisi gender seimbang. Banyak juga gadis2 yang bergerombol teriak-teriak bersama. Di belakang saya, bahkan ada pasangan yang adu argumentasi. Yang cewek bilang Nightwish band gothic terbaik karena inovatif, sementara si cowok mengatakan King Diamond masih tetap yang terbaik.

Tristania selesai jam 8.45 dan panggung disiapkan untuk acara puncak. Setelah penonton menanti 30 menit dengan berkali2 teriak2 Nightwish, Tuomas muncul duluan dan menempati kiri panggung, langsung memegang kibor dan dengan diiringi suara kibornya, pemain lainnya masuk dan langsung menggeber Dark Chest of Wonder.

Tarja dengan wajah misteriusnya memakai rok hitam lebar berbelahan dada rendah dan vest (?) merah. Mike juga merah. Selesai lagu pertama, Marco Hietala menyempatkan diri berkomunikasi dengan penonton. Kayaknya Tarja Inggrisnya tidak secanggih Marco, hanya kalimat pendek saja dengan aksen yang aneh, meski Oceanborn, fansite Nightwish di UK menyatakan bahwa Tarja lancar bahasa Inggrisya.

Dilanjutkan dengan Planet Hell lagu kedua. Dengan suara yang powerful, Tarja menyayikan lagu demi lagu, dan berduet dengan Marco Hietala. Come Cover Me, The Kinslayer, The Siren dan salah satu lagu opera yang banyak dinyayikan grup2 metal: The Phantom of the Opera

Selesai lagu ini, Tarja masuk dan Marco mulai berkomunikasi dengan penonton dan memuji-muji penonton UK. Marco kemudian memberi hint lagunya sebagai salah satu lagu kesayangan mereka dari salah satu english institution: Pink Floyd. Intro yang cukup panjang, saya menerka2 apa lagunya, baru setelah vokal masuk, oh ini High Hopes…
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The nights of wonder
Boleh juga interpretasi mereka, meski masih lebih bagus interpretasi Sonata Arctica atas Still Loving You, yang benar-benar bisa lepas dari lagu aslinya.

Tarja kemudian masuk lagi dengan mencopot vest merahnya, sehingga Bless the Child menjadi lebih panass!! Seksi. Penonton tambah kencang teriak-teriaknya. Mungkin ini taktik untuk menjaga alur konser dan emosi penonton.

Jam 10.15, kami mundur untuk melihat dari belakang karena penonton terkadang saling berbenturan. Dari belakang kami cukup santai, bisa mengambil foto, meski hasilnya agak kabur. Setelah Nightwish pura-pura pamit jam 10.50, kami meninggalkan lokasi karena takut tidak dapat bis.

Secara keseluruhan penampilan OK semua. Disana-sini ada improvisasi mainnya (atau kepleset?). Tuomas selalu atraktif di panggung kiri. Keyboardnya yang satu selalu dimiring-miringkan supaya pas megangnya ketika dia berheadbanging. Untung keyboardnya kompak, tidak seperti mbah Jon Lord yang ketika menggoyang-goyang si antik Hammond B3, sangat mengkhawatirkan Emppu permainannya OK punya dan ternyata dia pendek sekali dibandingkan Marco. Gitarnya meski gonta-ganti, tetap saja putih. Marco ngebasnya memakai pick, tetapi suara basnya kurang jelas tedengar diantara keriuhan konser. Jukka bermain biasa saja. Suara Tarja selalu prima, melengking tinggi, gaya opera. Saya tidak menangkap dia menyanyi gaya biasa saja, selalu opera.

1. Dark Chest of Wonders
2. Planet Hell
3. Come Cover Me
4. The Kinslayer
5. The Siren
6. The Phantom of the Opera
7. High Hopes (Pink Floyd cover)
8. Bless the Child
9. Wishmaster
10. Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan
11. Slaying the Dreamer
12. Nemo
Pura2 selesai, kami pulang.
13. Sleeping Sun
14. Ghost Love Score
15. Wish I Had An Angel

My NI NumberCard

aturday morning, I just had my breakfast then I came into my room…upsss..i ‘ve got a letter from Inland Revenue…hmm what is it? I opened the letter and…Yihaaaaaaaaa…finally ..this is my National Insurance Numbercard. I had been waiting this card since I got an interview at jobcenter 3 months ago.

Looking back, how to find a job here. It is quite difficult to have a job for not citizent like us in UK becouse there are lot of british people who need a job aswell. Recently the government is very strict to the newcomers. This is to preventing people more coming to UK and now some politicians have a program for anti immigant.So when you come to UK you must have confident to compete with them. off course student is not allowed for having a full time job. Meanwhile a dependent student like me can have a full time job without any restriction which is written at my pasport that I am allowed to have a job, unluckly I could not claim any benefit from it. that ‘s least I could get new experiences, new friends, new knowledge about retail and absolutly poundsterling wages hehehe…

Next, If you are a dependent student like me. When u come to this not waste your time. You should apply as soon as you can and looking any vacation which is from newspaper or even from the shop or company itself. You can go to job center or recruitment agent but they asked high requirement and give some tests. I do not like to go those places. It’s easier if you just send your cv or application job directly to the shop / company that is requiring new staffs.

Some companies would ask about NI number. The problem is how u can have NI number if you do not have any job yet????…so, the most important thing is you must have a job FIRST!!! Then u could apply for NI number. Do not forget to ask a letter from International Student Officer at University…they are so helpful. The letter is needed by the employer.

After you have got a job, you make appointment to any closer jobcenter or sosial security to apply your NI number. When the appointment ‘s coming, do not forget to bring all the evidences such as your passport, wages slip etc. You would have interview after that. If everything is ok is only taking 30 minute and they would say to you for waiting another 3 months to get you NI numbercard.

The only convenient thing of NI number card is I could use this number for all my life. Even I go back to indonesia and when I come back again to UK I do not have to apply another number. It is so convenient isn’ it???

To find out more about NI number , just click: or

ye olde trip to Jerusalem Pub

Sudah lama saya ingin sekali berbagi cerita tentang restauran, pub or café pokoknya yang berkaitan dengan kuliner yang ada di Nottingham, UK. Akhirnya baru sekarang bisa terwujud. Mengapa saya memilih Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem (ejaan Inggris kuno. Bacanya The Old Trip to Jerusalem), pub yang terletak tepat dibawah Nottingham Castle sebagai agenda jalan-jalan and makan-makan pertama saya? Karena saya penasaran dengan klaim sebagai pub tertua di Inggris (England). Beberapa bulan lalu saya dan rekan-rekan pernah mencoba datang disini, tapi sayangnya tidak ada tempat duduk yang tersisa, semuanya penuh…nuh..nuh…. Apakah karena makanannya atau karena tempatnya?

Menurut sejarah, Ye Olde Trip ini berdiri tahun 1189. Nyonya Meneer saja baru berdiri tahun 1929. Jadi bisa dibayangkan betapa tuanya. Di dalam pub hiasan dinding yang berisi keterangan bahwa pub ini aslinya adalah pabrik kue dan bir, yang juga berfungsi sebagai tempat peristirahatan para crusader (tentara perang salib) dalam “trip to Jerusalem”, dibawah pimpinan King Arthur. Waktu itu pabrik kue dan bir ini masih berupa gua-gua, begitu juga penginapan para crusader ini di gua-gua asli dan buatan. Gua sarankan kalau mau lebih tahu, rekan-rekan dapat melihat websitenya Dari gua, pub dan penginapan ini berubah menjadi bentuk rumah yang dibangun menempel pada gua. Dari luar tampak seperti rumah biasa dan memang ukurannya tidak terlalu besar.

Akhirnya Sabtu 12 maret lalu saya dan rekan-rekan memutuskan datang ke pub ini. Ketika memasuki pub ini, kami langsung mendapati bar kecil tempat memesan makanan dan minuman. Sepintas sepeti pub biasa. Tetapi ketika terus naik ke lantai 2 dengan menaiki tangga yang sempit, mulai terlihat suasana gua. Baik yang asli maupun buatan.

Untuk memasuki suatu ruangan kita melewati lorong kecil terlebih dahulu. Tiap lorong ada namanya. Ruangan yang kami duduki adalah museum room. Entah mengapa mereka memberi nama itu. Tapi di dalam ruangan yang sempit ini terdapat gambar-gambar sejarah pub ini, dari 47 AD sampai abad 18, ketika pub ini sudah mulai mapan dengan bentuknya yang sekarang.

Pub ini juga sering mengadakan special event, seperti Halloween, gothic style event, dll. Yang unik, tempat ini tidak menerima booking-an tempat. Jadi kami datang dan langsung mencari tempat duduk…siapa cepat dia dapat….begitu mottonya. Untung kami datang lebih awal dan mendapat tempat duduk untuk 4 orang. Yang bisa datang hanya saya, mas agam, yuni and rofiq. Walaupun cuma berempat…tetep seru kok…namanya juga makan-makan he..he..he..

Sambil menunggu si rofiq yang datang telat ,..kami bertiga diskusi dan melihat-lihat menu makanan yang ada. Kami tertawa melihat menu yang ada karena mengira pub inggris tertua ini hanya menyediakan “real English food” ternyata peking duck dengan bumbu Hoisin sauce dan Cajun chicken yang berbau india ada disini he..he..he.. Ini pasti akibat manajemennya dipegang Hardys & Hansons, salah satu jaringan pub di Inggris.

Kami bertiga pusing juga karena tidak tahu mana yang special disini, toh bisa didapatkan di tempat lain. Akhirnya setelah rofiq datang, kami sepakat memesan 2 starter yaitu Pecking duck Spring roll and Sweet N Sour Meat Ball. Tradisi makanan di Inggris yang serba besar, 1 porsi bisa berdua, ternyata tidak berlaku disini. Karena itu kami yang tadinya mau memesan 2 main dishes akhirnya menjadi 4 setelah melihat jatah meja sebelah..udah tau kita doyan makan semua hihihi…ya sudah kami memesan: saya BATTERED WHOLETAIL SCAMPI…, mas Agam STILTON & VEGETABLE CRUMBLE, CAJUN CHICKEN tuk Yuni and LASAGNA VERDI buat Rofiq. Sedang para lelaki meminum cappuccino and juice orange and mango untuk wanita. Mengingatkan pada Rumah Makan “Sabar Menanti”, di kasir tertulis makanan akan siap kurang lebih 30 menit….

Ngobrol sana sini….sama rencana agenda YAD…tidak terasa datang juga pesanannya. Wuahhhhhhhh….buanyak juga ey…kami tidak lupa, sebelum makan, seperti layaknya turis, berfoto-foto dulu hihii… …tapi ini bukti kalau kami sudah disana. Ternyata meja sebelah, cewek-cewek Inggris juga berfoto-foto setelah itu.

Setelah saling mencicipi…sepertinya orang bukan datang untuk makanannya, karena kalau dilihat dari rasa dan bentuknya sih ya….kategorinya biasa. Lasagna Verdi-nya lumayan enak dengan paduan kentang rebus kecil-kecil, buncis and wortel. Stilton & vegetable crumble ini juga lumayan enak, campuan vegetable and cheese ditaburi serbuk tepung lumayan enak. Juga terbukti bersih mangkoknya…tapi sayang sayuran dan kentang rebusnya kurang enak agak keras. Kalau Cajun chicken yang dipesan yuni, sepertinya ayam (kaya steak itu) tanpa tulang dimasak dengan bumbu-bumbu. Yang ini saya tidak bisa mereview karena nyobanya dikit huahaha…nah Sedangkan battered scampi yang saya pesan, lumayan enak juga. Cuma bentuknya sama saja seperti nugget. Terlihat biasa, apalagi ditemani dengan chips dan salad. Oh iya, untuk starternya sendiri yang saya rekomendasikan adalah Peking Duck Spring Rollnya ….enak tenan apalagi dengna saus hoisinnya (hoisin sauce itu dibuat dari apa yah?).

Jadi intinya makan di pub ini lumayan enak tapi bukan special sekali. Pub ini selalu penuh karena suasana dan tempat yang unik tersebut menjadi daya tarik para turis juga warga lokal….

Total kerusakan budget 35 GBP dibagi 4 orang jadi 8.75 Pound each person….

Jadi bagi yang ingin berkunjung ke pub ini, seru juga untuk didatangi. Belum pernah kan makan di gua yang sudah modern?


News from STC

Today, like every wednesday, my time to be volunteer at Save The Children ( STC). Lyn ( my shop leader) asked me to come to another day coz shop has been lacked of volunteers…some of them back to their countries, unfortunately i couldnt make it. i only could give my time every wednesday…hopefully some other times i could make it:)..

I met Shila,..she is nice and very polite lady. while i was sorting clothes, she talked about her planning to visit Australia and stay 2 days in Hongkong at the end of this March.She told me that her husband brother in australia would have seventy YO party…and Shila and her husband would join the party without knowing by him….it would be a surpise party:)….its nice isnt’it?…

there were Step aswell on the others room..she was doing something with Lyn. Then another volunteer came. his name was James.he is a student at nott univ and taking politic as his subject. I tought him “how are u” in Indonesia…and he could remember easily…well done James 🙂

in the afternoon, Lyn , tom and me sat together just taking a break with dringking a cup of tea. Lyn told us about the result from her meeting in Birmingham. It wasnt good news…she said the shop might be closed down coz it didnt give profit much….GOSHH..or maybe they would relocate of the shop to the strategic place that people would like to come over more….another problem was the shop really needs staffs….even STC had been giving ads at univ but still the shop had not got new staff yet…anyway…everything must go on…we do what we could do…to help and give donation to people who needed….especially…CHILDREN…

CamBridge Bow!!

I just remembered one of our friend, Lia, told us about a cheap trip at university travel agent.suddenly, i said to lia…please booking it for us…and she did it. actually we were looking for travelling to York, but only five minutes the tickets were sold, Lia booked and paid for cambridge trip…

no wonder, this kind of trip was so attactived for student…it was Cheap bow:)…only 10 GBP each person…

early in the morning on fifth of March, we all the members of the tour were gathering at Jubilee Campus. the Bus would come and pick us there.i saw…some indonesian…hmhmh…(mba sita, rini, rafiq, lia, and yuni).we departured to cambridge from 8 am and arrived at 10.00am…it should be 3 hours by car but i didnt know why,..the driver was driving so fast:)..(perhaps because he came late to pick up us hehehe).

What do u know about Cambridge??? i only knew about the university.yes…
there are 31 colleges in Cambridge.There are for women and two admit only for graduates.The remainder house and teach all students enrolled in courses of study or research at the University.A College is the place where students live, eat and socialise. It is also the place where they receive small group teaching sessions, known as supervisions.

It was amazing to see how the student lives in oldest building environments…

the city itself was small but so beutiful…the city was surrounding by the river.u could hire a punt. the punt was routing to around colleges.the colleges were so amazing….Kings college, St. John College,Queen College and trinity College.

we ( rafiq, Yuni, mas agam , and rini ) also visited CastelMound. Approximately 20 min from city by walking.when we arrived there…we were laughing….it didnt match with our thoughts:)…it was not castel though….it was only small hill …he..he..he

While The Fitzwilliam Museum was so…so…just same like others museums….

anyway, this one day trip was great…thanks alot to TITICACA travel agent then :)…

where are we going next????? …jalan2 melulu ah…kempes dunk tabungan hihihihi…

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Blog Entry Poor my SeCuRiTy GuArd Feb 21, ’05 6:00 AM
for everyone
I have got fever and sore throat since friday night…i hate when i have this desease….luckly, i got off duty on saturday, thus i could take a rest whole day:)

sunday afternoon at 4 pm i must work. when i served security guard came into me .”tia, there is a man want to give his bike…said Paul. i said,..”what??? who’s man?? i don’t know about it…”.i still didnt connect with paul had said to me.Then i saw mas ato (he is indonesian student who is going back to indon soon, he want to give his bike to us). Now i remember he..he..he..
mas ato bought something and i served him but i couldnt go and talk alot to him from my, my security guard helped me alot. he sorted out .he brought the bike and put in the warehouse.ghosss….i was so thankful to him.while , mas ato deseapered:)…

we got long queing…like usually. nearly at 6pm people came more to jackson. i saw paul was walking around the shop, just checking was everything al right.then suddenly..bad thing happent….one customer was angried to paul.he felt he was being suspecious person by the security.i didnt know how…then they were fighting in the was scary coz i saw paul’s face was bleeding and blood in every where….everything was messy….we just stanning…i only said “oh my god…oh my god…” but everybody couldnt do anything. Ryan (my manager from other shop) came in and told martin (my coleaque) to call a police. he did it. but they still fighting…then i pushed emergency ring to the police center.finally, 5 min after that,..the police came.they took paul and the man outside. we were shocked..i felt little bit nausea …especially when i saw blood on the floor…
ryan told us to close the shop few minutes.yeah…we must clean everything…and also the police wanted to talk with the manager aswell to ask evidences and to be witness.some loyalt customers they were stil waiting outside…what a patience customer:)

collin (our supervisor who had gone back home came into the store again:)..).when everything’s done…he said..”i wont come to this store again guys he..he..he..

everything back to normal,..we opened the store..people could enter the shop and i was back into serving them….paul wasnt be here…might be they sent him to go to hospital…poor paul…poor my security guard..he was only doing his job…why this could he happen?…honestly,..he was the nicest security guard that i had met at jackson lenton….
now,.we’ve got new security guard…white man and taller than before…

Chatni (sambal Pakistan)

its very easy,…pakistani like this spicy. usually they eat this with chapati or nan…also curry…

1 bunch of Persley
2 Tsp Youghurt
2-3 chillies
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar

cut of persely into small pieces also chilly. Blend all together with blender machine (except youghurt). then just put it into small plate and mix with youghurt…
its easy isn’it?

Tell me Your Dreams

This book tells about a girl (Ashley) who has Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Also known as dissociative identity disorder (DID) and is a controversial topic among psychiatrist. Some psychiatrist believe that it even doesnt exist. Ashley is innocent, her alters personalitie ( Toni Prescott and Allette) always take control of her. Especially toni, she kills five men. It is a good story which tells u how she change back and forth to be her alters, the reason she gets the MPD and also how she finally win at the court that Ashley is innocent….read this….